The REALTOR® Association of Greater Fort Myers and the Beach has given the award of Humanitarian of the Year to Sellstate Priority Manager, Lynda Moritz. This award could not have gone to a better person as Lynda dedicates her life to enriching the lives of others. We are extremely proud to have Lynda as part of our Sellstate Family.
Below are some excerpts from the presentation speech made by the REALTOR® Association of Greater Fort Myers and the Beach:
It’s been said that it’s hard to keep track of all the philanthropic work that this humanitarian does in our community because she works tirelessly to support not only her own efforts, but those of the people in her office. She encourages everyone to give back in any way they can – so, in effect, she multiplies what she personally does in our community by getting others involved.
She grew up in Tennessee in a rural area which gave her a desire to see the world. After traveling with her corporate job, she moved to Cape Coral and now manages the Sellstate office in Cape Coral – she believes that if you love what you do and work with great people, you’ll always have places to explore and more people to meet.Apart from her corporate responsibilities, this individual started the charitable organization “Priority Cares”. Funds that are raised through garage sales and other activities go to support families that may fall through the cracks. What started as a Christmas program has now expanded to a year-round effort; in fact, last year this individual contacted cellist Yo-Yo-Ma when she heard about a young girl in our community who loves playing the cello and was unable to afford her own instrument. The donated cello was presented to the young girl at her church because our humanitarian of the year was determined to make a “real” difference in people’s lives.
This individual has also spent much of her time and energies helping members in our community through Paws for Patriots, Cape Coral Caring Center, Invest in Americas Veterans, Harry Chapin Food Bank, Gavin Lowery Foundation and working with ACT – Abuse, Counseling and Treatment Center.
Please join me in recognizing the commitment and dedication of Lynda Moritz, Sellstate Priority Realty, as our 2012 Humanitarian of the Year.
Michael Darmanin
Chief Operating Officer
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