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Sellstate’s Manager Support Section Updated with Even More Content

Since it’s inception, the Manager Support section on has been an invaluable tool for Sellstate’s leaders. Now, the Manager Support page has been updated to provide even more of the industry’s best training and resources to our managers and brokers.

We hope that our leaders will find this page to be a convenient reference point to help grow our agent base and accomplish other goals.

A direct link to the Manager Support page is provided here:

You can also get to this section by visiting and clicking “Manager Support” from the main navigation menu. To access this restricted area, you will have to login and provide the appropriate password. If you do not recall your password, please contact [email protected].

With the latest update, here is a brief list of the content available to our managers and brokers:


The accountability log helps those recruiting in your office to stay focused on reaching out to as many prospective real estate advisors as possible.

Accounting Manual

Our full accounting manual and working files can be found in this section.

Consumer Reach For Offices

Sellstate’s strategic alliance with Zillow provides your real estate advisors with prominent placement and branding in front of over 78,500,000 consumers/month.

Ebooks For Managers

Ebooks and Resources directed towards assisting managers can be found in this section.

Event Calander

This calendar lists the upcoming events for Sellstate Managers and Brokers.

Franchise 101

This page provides franchisees all the information they need to take advantage of Sellstate Source, the Manager Support section, and other Sellstate offerings.

Hiring Material

This page provides information on hiring new staff for your office. Ad templates are available for to create openings for new positions; there are also human resource materials to help conduct more effective interviews

Leadership Summits

Our annual Leadership Summit invites Sellstate’s leaders from across the country to come together for presentations, discussions, and networking related to Sellstate’s accomplishment, future plans, and strategies for growth.

Manager FAQs

This area addresses a majority of commonly asked questions and concerns.

Marketing Materials

You can find several pieces of marketing material that will help you recruit. From postcards to email, social media, and Craigslist ads, this page contains downloads that will jumpstart your recruiting. Additionally, you will find information regarding custom requests if your office has a need for a specific ad type.

Power Suite For Managers

This section provides additional support on setup and management of the Power Suite system.


In this section managers can take advantage of our recorded live webinars, PDFs, and more, all designed to help your office recruit more Real Estate Advisors.

As you can see, our Manager Support section is a comprehensive and complete resource available to our franchisees designed and developed solely to growing our offices.

We want our leaders to take advantage of all the opportunities available, and our Manager Support section has been created to assist in this endeavour.

If you’re a Sellstate Manager or Broker and have any questions regarding the Manager Support section, please contact [email protected].

michael darmanin | author Michael Darmanin
Chief Operating Officer

Contact us for agent and franchise opportunities.