Book of the Month Club
Personal growth is a key component of Sellstate’s mission, and it is also one of our core values. One way we encourage growth is to read motivational and inspirational, yet practical, books.
Sellstate’s Book of the Month club seeks to empower our members by providing you with inspirational literature aimed at helping you improve your business and you life.
Below, you can find the most recent selections for Book of the Month.
Most Recent Selections for Book of the Month
Born to Win: The Ultimate Seminar- May Book of the Month
The 5 Steps To Successful Selling: April 2015 Book of the Month
The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork: March 2015 Book of the Month
Sellstate Book Of The Month Introduction
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: February 2015 Book of the Month