Sellstate Realty strives to properly inform our members about exciting developments within our industry. In September, the Marketing Studio composed a blog article highlighting our partners at Zillow and their plan to acquire major real estate portal Trulia. Since this acquisition was exceptionally large, the official approval would take several months to complete.
Today, the acquisition is final.
Following our announcement in September, we’re excited to confirm that Zillow has completed its acquisition of Trulia and formed Zillow Group, an association of two of the largest media brands in real estate, rentals and homes. Both sites will continue to offer access to vital information about homes, apartments, real estate and our Sellstate Advisors. There is absolutely no action required from you, besides already having an account registered with Zillow. It’s business as usual and, most importantly, our relationship with Zillow will remain in tact and grow over time.
Custom upgraded listings on Zillow are provided to all of our Advisors as part of Sellstate’s value proposition, and our members will surely experience the benefits of an increased web presence by Zillow. As a Sellstate Advisor, you will need to have a Zillow account to take full advantage of the Zillow and Trulia marketplace:
Zillow Registration- Quick Steps:
#1. Click link below and choose the New Account Tab:
#2. Input the same email associated with your MLS.
#3. Upload a photo of yourself on the account page.
#4. Complete!
Power Suite’s direct-to-agent lead generation is provided to Sellstate Advisors at no cost. Sellstate’s industry leading technology, Power Suite, continually provides benefits for our Advisors, managers and brokers.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Zillow team directly at partners(at)zillow(dotted)com.
Michael Darmanin
Chief Operating Officer
Contact us for agent and franchise opportunities.